1 yr investment letter • 8 to 12 issues -----------------$ 111.00 Includes one free Super Fast Telephone Service Recommendation - include your Telephone Number!!! 1 yr investment letter with super-fast telephone service--------376.00 6 mo. invest. letter with super-fast telephone service --------241.00 1 year investment letter • 8 - 12 issues via FAX ----------211.00 1 year telephone service & letter plus access to communicate with S.A. any time through private telephone number-751.00 Make checks payable and mail to: S.A. ADVISORY 2274 Arbor Lane #3 • Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • (801) 272-4761
Note: In order to stay in line with SEC guidelines, S.A. Advisory & Associates may buy and/or hold positions in securities recommended. It is very likely shares were bought preceding recommendation. We may buy additional shares or sell shares at any time. S. A. Advisory's portfolios are geared for long-term capital gains, but our trading habits may vary at our own discretion.